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Character or attitude and properties

Written By Unknown on Sunday, January 20, 2013 | 9:13 PM

Character or attitude and properties must be owned by a real scientist, among others:

1. Curiosity is high

Curiosity is an impulse or desire to better understand a thing previously lacking or unknown to us. Curiosity may develop at the sight of ourselves and our surroundings. In order to stimulate our curiosity, we must gravitate towards something first, and knowledgeable enough about it. Moreover, it can also be sharpened with a caring attitude towards the environment around us to see and observe.

2. Never give up

In research, there will be issues that must be faced. Now, a scientist may not be easy to give in addressing the problems faced during the research. For example, when applying the first method even second method fails, then we should try other methods are more efficient but still refers to the scientific method has been determined since the beginning of the study.

3. Love truth and honesty

The nature honest and keep the truth is an important capital to produce knowledge. Scientists will always try to get the data could actually answer his curiosity. Good data is data that is honest, not manipulated both in quantity and quality. Because if the data used is not correct, then the research would be bad if implemented by the community.

4. Bold

A scientist must have the courage to act and take risks of the research efforts. Imagine what we will achieve success if we do the research work and useful for many people, it will make us dare to take action in the study. In the present study, we have to focus on what we are careful and sometimes requires us to dwell in the lab, spending time with hours and hours in the library or take pains to collect research data in a certain place. It is a risk that must be followed by a scientist. Pleasure will only arise if we dare to take the risk. Success always requires sacrifice positive!

5. Diligent

Persistence is the ability to keep trying, even when faced with failure. Diligent can also be interpreted as an attitude of patience as well as thorough. Researching give patience to keep trying every step and correct the error. Conscientious attitude will keep us from unnecessary mistakes. A scientist should try to minimize errors in all forms, whether it be experimental error, method or unintentional human error.

6. Open

Openness is crucial owned by a scientist. Openness means having to accept every person's response, received opinions, criticism, suggestions or corrections to the process or the results. With criticism and suggestions from others will keep scientists from mistakes so that the quality of research is always awake.

7. Optimistic

A scientist should always optimistic or have the confidence that his research will be successful and benefit others.

8. Analytic

Analytical attitude is the ability to decompose a problem from all points of view thoroughly. To foster analytical attitude, get used to seeing something in detail and complete. Thus we will know that the little things are important. Also try to look at every problem from different angles.

9. Closer to God

By drawing near to God, we are not only able to complete the study, always believed and worked hard but we will also get a blessing from Him because of the science that we develop positive benefit for others.

In addition to 9 characters or attitude and the above properties, a scientist must also have the basic skills of reading, studying, researching, knowing the scientific method and writing. Well, from 9 characters, what you already have? If there are still some who have not, keep trying to try ya!

What is the scientific method? The scientific method is a way to solve scientific problems with certain measures and regular. The steps of the scientific method are as follows:

1. Formulating Problems

Is that a problem? The problem is the situation where there is a gap between the things that are positive (event / phenomenon) with the conditions are ideal (theoretical). The formulation of the problem is the first step in the scientific method. Good problem formulation expressed by an open sentence that requires an answer in the form of a statement, not a yes or no.

How to choose a good problem? Choose the issue is important and interesting to study, it can be solved experimentally, and no less important is the qualification according to the researchers.

How do I find the problem? Note the nature around us and use our sentiment to find the problem, consider the people around us, join in discussions and gemarlah scientific reading. How it can help us to find a research problem.

2. Collecting Data

Data collection aims to provide basic information in accordance with the formulation of the problem has been determined. Data collection can be done through a study of references (journals, scientific papers, books, magazines, internet, etc.), gather information from experts, and other exploration related to the problem.

3. Constructing Hypothesis

The hypothesis is a conjecture or a temporary answer to the problem formula had been determined before the study was actually done.

4. Doing Experiment / Experiment

Experiments are designed and conducted to test the hypothesis. Before carrying out the experiments, construct steps clearly experiments ranging from determining the tools and materials as well as the sequence of activities to be performed experiments.

Into account all the variables, all of which affect the experiment. There are three types of variables that need to be considered in the experiment: independent variable, dependent variable, and control variables. Free variable is a variable that can be changed freely. The dependent variable is the variable studied, which changes depending on the independent variables. Control variable is a variable that is held fixed during the experiment.

Perform data recording observations during the experiment takes place in an orderly, honest and objective.

5. Deduce

The conclusion is a final summary of the results of research based on the data collected during the performance of experiments / trials and formulated in the form of a statement showing how the experimental results with the hypothesis. It would be better if it ends with conclusions provide ideas for further research.

If the experimental results are not consistent with the hypothesis, find the reason or reasons why not fit, do not change the hypothesis or ignore experimental data.

6. Conclusions Testing Experiment with Repeaters.

Repeating the experiment aimed to test the results. Repeating the experiment is very important especially if a different conclusion to the hypothesis.

Well, it is a step-by-step scientific method that must be mastered by a scientist. How, interested to give it a try?
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