
Written By Unknown on Friday, January 25, 2013 | 1:41 AM

Renewal of education has long encouraged. Renewal is like covering the curriculum, teaching methods, instructional media, educational administration, instructional strategies, and so on. The implications of the reforms is that the measure of success of the learning process in the classroom teacher to change; demands • order classes are also being changed.

Preparing teachers to teach without learning unit, without media, without variation method, the state of quiet classroom without siswamengerjakan tasks or activities of the learning activities to achieve the purpose of learning, not a good class, and it periu avoided. A change in demand conditions / class to order higher quality learning, then teachers need to know how the management of the classes in the learning process. Each learning methods, media, demanding a certain approach to a certain class atmosphere anyway.

Learning quality is not only determined by the curriculum reform, facilities available, a sympathetic teacher personality, learning the full impression, insightful teachers a broad knowledge of all areas, but the teacher must master tips managing classroom.

Each learning activities implies the achievement of goals, both instructional goals and objectives accompaniment. But the situation can not be denied in class often did not work as expected. Therefore, the teacher in charge to create and maintain favorable conditions for classroom learners, so the growing climate of quality learning in order to achieve the learning objectives.

Preventive and curative efforts need to be made in the creation of conditions for the expected class. Preventive efforts are created and can be retained classroom conditions conducive to be designed and arranged by the teacher intentionally to harm things that can be avoided. While the curative efforts to restore optimal conditions when things happen that damage caused by the behavior of learners in the classroom.

The efforts of teachers to create and maintain conditions that are expected to be effective if: First, precisely known factors that can support the creation of favorable conditions in the learning process. Secondly, knowing the problems that might be expected and can damage the growing climate of teaching and learning. Third, controlled by a variety of approaches to classroom management and well known when and where the approach to problem use (M.Entang and Raka Loni T., 1983: 7).

Teaching is a series of activities intended to facilitate learners achieve educational goals directly. Management is a series of activities / actions are intended to create the conditions that enable ongoing learning. Thus, classroom management is a critical requirement that determines the creation of effective learning. Ladi based on the simple logic that the management class, which effectively is an important aspect of the learning process.

Associated with the mission and goals MANAGEMENT CLASS courses, learning course is aimed at: 1) the establishment of the ability to understand the concepts, approaches, and generalizations are needed in managing the classroom; ability to organize classroom conditions and facilities; inventory capacity factors cause classroom discipline in elementary school, and the discovery of alternative solutions, 2) provide opportunities for students to gain firsthand experience in observing the realization of the concept of classroom management in elementary school, and trying to simulate various aspects of classroom management as a whole or partially.

Teaching materials will be presented, melatihkan, and apply in the case of ¬ cases on matters relating to the management class. Understanding, ownership skills, and apply it in different situations, and then analyze and merefleksinya all matters relating to the management class, prospective teachers expect the students will be able to create conditions favorable grade. Classroom conditions that support is a major prerequisite for the effective learning process.

Everything is presented in teaching materials will be very useful if the students, teachers, and other penstudi examine in eksama and critical discussion in the group, answering pettanyaan, and practice in accordance with the training provided at the end of each chapter in earnest .
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