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Getting Started In Character Education

Written By Unknown on Friday, January 25, 2013 | 2:51 AM

Commitment is the first step if you want to have a good character, but what kind of commitment it takes to succeed in character education? That is the discipline of education character itself. This time we will discuss from the point of view of the school.

One time I had a chance to present about character education and its impact on teachers and school employees. My colleague accidentally setting in order to be coherent with the school environment education issues that will be echoed by the character of the school. When I explained about the school rules and classroom rules, the face looks less comfortable, and the response was less than enthusiastic, as well as face a heavy burden to address the implementation of character education.

And in the middle of my show to explain that the school does not need to rush into a major reshuffle in the rules of the school. I really understand the burden of teachers in teaching and administrative activities, perform an important step by step in the implementation of existing commitments and keep discipline as a driving force of character education itself, that's the key. Discipline, discipline and discipline.

Overview I described the discipline of people living in Indonesia with two seasons, different countries with four seasons of life. Toughness, fighting spirit and initiative are also different. We in Indonesia is a challenge in its natural territory quite a bit compared to those living in the four seasons. Since one of the factors that we need to learn more discipline for a better life. Discipline is very close to success, even discipline in one package with no success. Whatever success is to be achieved in the discipline is the basis. Even the size of the discipline has been formulated in detail by Malcolm Gladwell in his book outlier, that it took 10,000 hours to become a master of discipline in any field. Singers, athletes, business professionals who have successfully passed the 10,000 hours. And you know anyone who has become a master in the art is not it? Call it, Ruth sahayana, Taufik hidayat, Agnes Monica, Purwacaraka, Juna, Rifat Sungkar, Chairul, Hermawan Kertajaya and still a lot of characters that can be called masters in their respective fields.

Character education likely will never actually touched when there is only limited understanding of the character or nature of information only without any action. Today in print, electronic and internet media much preaching about buying and selling a key test cases, cheating cheating, plagiarism, and even cases of crimes committed by the student, it all shows that the realizable value of the real character of the nation did not materialize. This phenomenon occurs due to the low quality of education in Indonesia.

Factors affecting among other things:
  1. Lack of infrastructure
  2. The low quality of teachers
  3. Lack of education equity opportunities
  4. The low relevance of education to the needs of
  5. Vision and morality educators and students of low
  6. The high cost of education It is a serious problem in this country

Higher education budget is no guarantee of good infrastructure and the cost of education affordable, the cause is clear morality that emphasizes community groups, private kepetingan and got the exact circumstances.

The six barriers can only be lost if the noble values ​​and character education actually realized. To get maximum results related to the above problems would need a breakthrough in the world of education to create a character and a young high berprestas. To achieve this it is necessary innovation and the development of value discipline and commitment from each school in order to study the character can move on. The impact of character education can build an individual to identify himself and was able to set a goal of education.
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