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To educate the value of togetherness with value teaching approach

Written By Unknown on Friday, January 25, 2013 | 2:27 AM

Almost all people recognize that diversity and difference is a necessity that must be accepted and dealt with, although sometimes less precise attitude towards diversity that exists often a source of conflict that lead to hostility and war because of the diversity and differences. Therefore, humans are required to locate specific points that allow for common ground or at least not together. To be able to reach the level of unity among human beings, we need to set our sights a higher level and in, so the difference - a difference that normally reside in the realm of material and symbolic be exceeded. One dimension that includes human universalism is the man himself, that it is certainly not at the level of the material but rather on the historical dimension and the ideals of the future.

To mendidikkan shared values ​​necessary to separate awareness essentially must exist on each indivual person. In this case the noble values, ethics and morals play an important role in fostering and instilling a sense of caring and sharing in accepting human diversity and differences that exist in this life. The feeling of togetherness that high previously fostered by the cultivation of values ​​that embody a sense of good will need each other, mutual respect, and mutual respect, and so forth.

In the realm of educational value, an educator is not only effective in teaching and learning activities in the classroom, but more so in his personal relationships, and modeling both the students as well as to all members of the school community. This relationship is growing rapidly and bear the fruit of education if it is based on the love between them. Educating a person's ability to develop itself into a personal and mature.

Emergence of community values ​​among educators with learners or learners with other learners will be realized when it is embedded in their attitude to respect diversity and differences between them. Syahrin Harahap said that human unity will be realized when people are constantly active and productive communication in order to preserve their existence to the harmony of social life.

It can be concluded that the diversity and differences in people not become an obstacle to realize the values ​​of togetherness when embedded noble values ​​with mutual respect, mutual respect and mutual need between one another. In order to achieve the real goal, is in need strategies or methods used to educate teachers together through value investment approach will be further discussion.
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