
Written By Unknown on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 | 9:56 AM


Religious education and religious education are the two models that are constantly evolving. And both educational model into something that is not integral in the formation of a complete human being. To improve the quality of religious education and religious government passed Law No. 55 Year 2007 on religious education and religious education. Explained that there is a religious education;

1. Religious education serves Indonesian human form faithful and pious to God Almighty and noble and able to maintain peace and harmony among adherents of international relations and religion.

2. Religious education aims to develop the capacity of students to understand, appreciate, and practice the religious values ​​that harmonize mastery in science, technology and art.
Furthermore, also explained that religious education is;

1. Religious education prepares students to be functioning members of society who understand and practice the values ​​of their religion and / or a theologian.

2. Religious education aims at the formation of learners who understand and practice the values ​​of their religion and / or a theologian insightful, critical, creative, innovative, and dynamic in order to educate the people who believe, fear Allah, and noble.


In the early development of Islamic madrassas are educational institutions that specifically teaches Islam and Islamic sciences. Along with the modernization efforts in the further development of madrasah also teaches "Public Sciences". Madrasa modernization goes hand in hand with the government's efforts to integrate into the madrasah system of National Education. Then in 1975, three ministers, namely dikeluarkaan SKB menterri P daan K, Home Minister and Minister yaang mandated madrassa to provide instruction. So general subjects like public schools as well as Islamic studies. LCS is intended that the madrasah obtain yaang position with the public schools in the national education system so that madrasa graduates have equal footing with public school graduates.

With the enactment of Act 2 th 1989 on the national education system, madrasahs stronger position in the national education system. In No. Pp. 28 th 1990 as an explanation of the Act NES Madrasah declared as public schools characterized Islam, and is still used today. Although called public schools characterized by Islam, madrasahmasih continue to seek its ideal form. In the face of the 21st century, madrasa reform diawalidengan intention and determination to realize the madrasas as "Madrasah seed" that mampumemadukan power of Science and Technology (Science and Technology) and the Faith and Piety (IMTAK). Value plus (winning) lies in madrasah education that emphasizes faith padakepekaan heart and sharpness of mind.

A. Raudhatul ATFHAL

Changes in the structure of society has made the parents can no longer train their children for all kinds of needs in life skills. Even some parents due to perform the duties of societal-katannya must leave their children in educational institutions, even from an early age children. Various brain research shows that early childhood is a period of gold (golden age) for the brain development of children, to the educational process. Based on the above facts the Indonesian government since 2002 has given great attention to the institutions of early childhood education in Indonesia. Raudhatul RA is one of early childhood education institutions in the religious ministry that gets great care in its management.

RA Raudhatul management standards have been set in the government of the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 66 of 2010 on the Amendment to Government Regulation No. 17 of 2010 On the management and operation of Education. In Article 1, paragraph 5 states that Raudhatul RA, hereinafter referred to as RA, is a form of early childhood education units in the formal education that organizes educational programs to the specific religion of Islam for children aged 4 (four) years up to 6 (six) years.

Standards of teachers and consisting of qualification and competence of teachers Raudhatul akedemik RA has been set on the Regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 16 of 2007 dated 4 May 2007 on the Standards of academic qualifications and competence of teachers. In the attachment rule explains that the academic qualifications of teachers in the educational unit formal academic qualifications include Master's in early childhood / TK / RA must have a minimum education diploma four (D-IV) or degree (S1) in the field of early childhood education or psychology obtained of an accredited program of study.

Furthermore, in the Competency-Based Curriculum Raudhatul RA 2004, it is stated that there are six competencies to the development of learning in the Raudhatul RA: Competence moral behavior, competence Islam, language competence, cognitive competence, physical competence, Competence art.
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