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Qualification and Certification of Personnel Education and Islamic Education

Written By Unknown on Thursday, January 24, 2013 | 10:59 PM

Referring to the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 19

2008 on National Education Standards, stated that the standard of teachers and education are prajabatan and eligibility criteria for the physical and mental health, and education in the office. And in Chapter VI: Teachers and Education Personnel Standards Part Educator, Article 28 stated:

(1) Educators must have academic qualifications and competencies as agents of learning, physical and spiritual health, as well as having the ability to achieve national education goals.

(2) academic qualifications referred to in paragraph (1) is the level of education that must be met by an educator as evidenced by a diploma and / or certificate of appropriate expertise relevant statutory provisions in force.

(3) Competence as agents of learning in elementary and secondary education as well as early childhood education include:

a. Pedagogical;
b. Competence personality;
c. Professional competence, and
d. Social competence.

(4) A person who does not have a diploma and / or certificate of paragraph (2) but has a special skill that is recognized and required to be appointed as an educator after going through due diligence and equality.

(5) academic qualifications and competence as a learning agent referred to in paragraph (1) through (4) developed by BSNP and determined by the Minister.

So to be able to say as professional teachers, according to the National Education Standards, an educator must have four main requirements, namely:

1. Have academic qualifications
2. Competent
3. Certified educators
4. Become agents of learning in order to achieve national education goals.

Academic qualification is academic education diploma to be possessed by the teacher according to the type, level, and formal education units in the assignment or in other words, academic qualifications gained through higher education degree or diploma program four. In principle, teacher certification aims to: (1) determine the feasibility of performing the duty of teachers as agents of learning and achieve national education goals, (2) improve the process and quality of education, (3) enhance the dignity of teachers, (4) increase profesinalitas teachers, and (5) improve the welfare of teachers.

So we can see that the qualifications, competence, and certification, are the three main elements that can improve the quality of education in Indonesia. These three elements are interrelated to each other, without being able to be separated. The first requirement is academic qualifications, it is the intent of the teaching profession is a profession or a skill that must be learned elaborated in specific areas of science, teacher recognition can only be called if someone can intensively studied in teacher education, have a certificate of graduation, and mengaplikkasikannya in life education, by educating and teaching.

Then, teachers are required to have four competencies, namely pedagogical (teacher in the learning management capabilities), personal competence (the ability of teachers in shaping his personality), social competence (the ability of teachers as part of the Community), and professional competency (the ability to master science teacher science, technology, and / or arts and culture diampunya), thus becoming professionals, which in turn not only improve the quality of learning, it can even improve welfare in the life of the educator. And certification is a form of respect for the government to increase the quality of teacher qualification and competence. Since educators who pass the certification test will obtain rights in accordance with his position, in other words, the certification is closely related to an increase in welfare of teachers as a recognized profession.

Certification for prospective teachers is intended for prospective teachers who are interested in taking professional teachers or for teachers in positions that require it before taking the certification test. Educator certificate as obtained with the following provisions:

1. Load learn professional education for teachers in the educational unit

TK / RA / TKLB or other forms of equality and education units SD / MI / SDLB or other equivalent form is 18 (eighteen) and 20 (twenty) semester credit units.

2. Load learn professional education for teachers in the educational unit SMP / MTs / SMPLB or other forms of equality and education units SMA / MA / SMALB / SMK / MAK or other equivalent form is 36 (thirty-six) - 40 (forty) units semester credits.

3. The charge includes professional education learning pedagogical, personal, social, and professional.

4. The weight load of competence as referred to in paragraph (2) adapted to the educational background as follows:

a. To graduate degree (S1) or a diploma four (D-IV) focused on strengthening the education of professional competence.

b. To graduate degree (S1) or a diploma four (D-IV) nonkependidikan focused on developing pedagogical.

Permendiknas is directly related to PP No. 74 Year 2008 on teachers, which set out clearly started in chapter 4 to chapter 14, which begins with an explanation of how to obtain certificates of educators, the professional education program, and the burden of learning to be a teacher at all levels of education , certification is done in an objective, transparent, and accountable. Then the competency test conducted by the written and performance tests in accordance with the standards of competence, requirements for college education profession, to the budget provided by the government to improve educational qualifications.
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