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Position and Role of Muslim Women in Education

Written By Unknown on Thursday, January 24, 2013 | 10:59 PM

The most interesting phenomena in the context of gender discourse in Islamic history, is the emergence of women leaders as a major contributing factor in the treatise. Siti Khadijah is the wife of the Prophet, his position is extremely important in the history of Islam over its vital role in being involved in the prophethood of Muhammad. Kesaudagaran which makes it able to manage independently allowing kontemplatik life ahead of him during the process of revelation. In this perspective Khadijah worth even supposed to be an icon of the whole issue of gender equality in Islam. Otonomisasi a "given" by Muslim women, of course didadasarkan the belief that women's capabilities and competencies equal to men in all areas, including in matters relating to religion. Autonomization and or delivering this independence seederajat women sitting with men in terms of the most basic religious formation period, ie involvement in receiving and delivering revealed text in the form of holy scripture and the Hadiths.

Women's involvement in the whole process of maintenance and development of the "text" that era spawned figures intelligent woman like Aisha and Hafsah, were able to enjoy the prestige and influence in the second period of the early Caliphate (Abu Bakr and Umar). Umar ibn Khattab in many ways more trusting daughters than sons, and Aisha Abu Bakr entrusted to take care of the property and the administration of public assistance (Sadaqah). Even the Caliph Umar ordered the removal of material from the Qur'an Manuscripts Abu Bakar to Hafsah. During the Muslim women gain their freedom to express their ideas and encouraged to participate in social life. Public life like a stage in which the women and men terlibatkan. Even the women to discuss and debate with the Prophet.

Have described above how the history of Islam and the rule was brought to provide the rights and freedoms of women, encourage women to come forward, get protection work. Of course this is no different with the declarations and claims filed feminism or women's rights campaigners in many parts wherever and whenever the time if it's a form of equality demands that promote understanding and awareness that women and men are equal rights and obligations, just sexist , biological and rerpoduktiflah that distinguish the two.

Indonesia as a Muslim-majority country, it is appropriate not justify prempuan in matters of self-development, especially in education. Prempuan as depicted pillar of the state, no small role in nation building. So in practice, the government made some policies to remove the understandings that distinguish male and prempuan, especially in education. It can be seen in Permendagri number 15 of 2008 Article 4, paragraph 1, which contains: Local authorities are obliged to develop policies, programs, and activities with a gender perspective as outlined in the Medium Term Regional Development Plan or RPJMD, SKPD Strategic Plan and Work Plan SKPD .

And Instruction 9 Year 2000 (Gender Mainstreaming in National Development): Implementing gender mainstreaming to the implementation of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of national development policies and programs are gender perspective in accordance with its duties and functions, and authorities of each

This policy is based on:

• 1945 Constitution:
Every citizen has the right to education (ch. 31 paragraph 1)
 Act No. 20 of 2003:

Ps. 4 ay. (1): Education held in a democratic and fair and not discriminatory to uphold human rights, religious values, cultural values, and national diversity.
Ps. 5 w. (1):

Every citizen has an equal right to receive education
Education development approach called gender equality (KKG) is the development of education that integrates gender equality

Basic principles:

Gender equality: every man (male and female) can develop their potential optimally without constrained by gender or role. Manifestations KKG-based education, the educational environment, that: pay attention to the specific needs equally boys and girls, such as in the areas of:
1. Academic aspects
2. The social aspect
3. Aspects of the physical environment
4. Aspects of society.

The characteristics of gender oriented education, namely:
1. No more stereotypes marginalization of sub-ordinated double burden symbolizes violence women
2. Equality of access, participation of control benefits.
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